286 research outputs found

    Identifying and avoiding radiation damage in macromolecular crystallography

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    Radiation damage remains one of the major impediments to accurate structure solution in macromolecular crystallography. The artefacts of radiation damage can manifest as structural changes that result in incorrect biological interpretations being drawn from a model, they can reduce the resolution to which data can be collected and they can even prevent structure solution entirely. In this article, we discuss how to identify and mitigate against the effects of radiation damage at each stage in the macromolecular crystal structure‐solution pipeline

    Reconstitution of Targeted Deadenylation by the Ccr4-Not Complex and the YTH Domain Protein Mmi1

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    SummaryCcr4-Not is a conserved protein complex that shortens the 3′ poly(A) tails of eukaryotic mRNAs to regulate transcript stability and translation into proteins. RNA-binding proteins are thought to facilitate recruitment of Ccr4-Not to certain mRNAs, but lack of an in-vitro-reconstituted system has slowed progress in understanding the mechanistic details of this specificity. Here, we generate a fully recombinant Ccr4-Not complex that removes poly(A) tails from RNA substrates. The intact complex is more active than the exonucleases alone and has an intrinsic preference for certain RNAs. The RNA-binding protein Mmi1 is highly abundant in preparations of native Ccr4-Not. We demonstrate a high-affinity interaction between recombinant Ccr4-Not and Mmi1. Using in vitro assays, we show that Mmi1 accelerates deadenylation of target RNAs. Together, our results support a model whereby both RNA-binding proteins and the sequence context of mRNAs influence deadenylation rate to regulate gene expression

    Structural resolution of switchable states of a de novo peptide assembly

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    De novo protein design is advancing rapidly. However, most designs are for single states. Here we report a de novo designed peptide that forms multiple α-helical-bundle states that are accessible and interconvertible under the same conditions. Usually in such designs amphipathic α helices associate to form compact structures with consolidated hydrophobic cores. However, recent rational and computational designs have delivered open α-helical barrels with functionalisable cavities. By placing glycine judiciously in the helical interfaces of an α-helical barrel, we obtain both open and compact states in a single protein crystal. Molecular dynamics simulations indicate a free-energy landscape with multiple and interconverting states. Together, these findings suggest a frustrated system in which steric interactions that maintain the open barrel and the hydrophobic effect that drives complete collapse are traded-off. Indeed, addition of a hydrophobic co-solvent that can bind within the barrel affects the switch between the states both in silico and experimentally

    Periodontal bone loss and risk of epithelial ovarian cancer

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    Periodontitis, a chronic inflammatory response to pathogenic bacteria in the oral microbiome, is common among adults. It is associated with several medical conditions, including cardiovascular diseases, and potentially with esophageal, lung, oral and pancreatic cancer. One of the proposed mechanisms behind these associations is systemic inflammation, which has also been implicated in ovarian cancer etiology. The aim of this study was to evaluate association between ovarian cancer and periodontal bone loss

    Hā Kūpuna National Resource Center for Native Hawaiian Elders: Decolonizing Research through Qualitative Methods and Community Partnership

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    Housed under the Thompson School of Social Work & Public Health at the University of Hawai‘i at Mānoa, Hā Kūpuna National Resource Center for Native Hawaiian Elders, strives to decolonize Western research as we increase opportunities of Native Hawaiian elders to pass their knowledge and stories to younger generations. One of Hā Kūpuna’s current projects is a five-year qualitative study examining healthcare experiences among Native Hawaiian elders in rural communities to gain advice for medical and social service providers to improve Native Hawaiian health. The project was co-designed by ALU LIKE, Inc.’s Kumu Kahi program (Elderly Services Department), which advised us to conduct a series of three interviews with each elder to build rapport before jumping into questions about healthcare. The first interview focuses on establishing rapport and learning about the kupuna’s family and everyday life. The second interview asks about values they learned from their own kupuna, what they want to pass to their mo`opuna, and other strengths and resiliencies. The third interview hones in on healthcare experiences they had over their lifetime and what advice they would like to share with providers. Results from the first 26 kūpuna have revealed that many kūpuna grew up with limited access to allopathic healthcare (healthcare providers treating diseases and symptoms with drugs and surgery) and that families treated many illnesses and injuries with traditional Hawaiian cultural healing practices, including lāʻau lapaʻau (plant-based medicine), lomilomi (massage), and ho`oponopono (conflict resolution). Even with the increased access and utilization of allopathic medicine, many kūpuna preferred cultural practices or a combination of both. Kūpuna advised that allopathic healthcare providers should take the time to gain knowledge of Native Hawaiian history and culture, allow for use of both Hawaiian and allopathic modes of healing, and interact with patients on both a personal as well as a professional level. They also noted that increasing access to specialty care on Neighbor Islands could improve Native Hawaiian health and life expectancy. Results and experiences from the ALU LIKE interview project helped to inform the creation of a 48-page qualitative interviewing protocol aimed to help researchers avoid extractive practices by increasing their knowledge of Hawaiian history, engaging communities in research, and creating safe and trusting research environments. Although experiences of colonization and discrimination are unique to each Indigenous and minority group, this protocol can apply to other populations as they are at a similar risk for extractive research experiences as well. As elements of the protocols were developed, they were discussed in-depth with researchers, non-profit stakeholders, community-based organization leaders (including ALU LIKE, Inc.), and past research participants. The qualitative protocol includes sections summarizing the history of colonization and instances of poorly-executed research in Hawaiʻi that caused harm. Also included are examples of Native Hawaiian researchers who are changing the face of research, a guide for researcher self-reflection and cultural humility, roles for community members in research, data ownership and management, the need to give more than take from participants, and a step-by-step guide on how to successfully join with community partners to conduct one-on-one interviews. Included are tips on developing research questions, and gathering and reporting data in ways accessible to the community. This qualitative protocol can be used as a guide to decolonizing research. Hā Kūpuna is supported by the US Administration on Community Living (#90OIRC0001) and the Barbara Cox Anthony Endowment